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TCS Xplore 2023 - UI ( html , css ,JavaScript ) MCQ quistion for best practice ( iON Proctored Assessment )

                   Multiple Choice Questions on UI - Part 1

1.       Which of the below is the correct way to set a font size?

a.       h2 {font-size:200pixels;}                       b. h2 {font-size:200;}

b.       h2 {font-size:200px;}                              d. h2 {font-size:200%;}

2       To specify table border in CSS _____ proper is used

a.       table-border                                              b. border

b.       Tb-border                                                   D. tbl-border

3.       Block element can be aligned by setting the left and right margin to “align”

a.       TRUE                                                         b. FALSE

4.      Output of the below script-



<p id=”showresult”> <b> Welcome To TCS </b> </p>

<input type=”button” onclick=”display()” value=” Click Me”/>


function display()


                b = document.getElementById(‘showresult’).innerHTML;






a.       Internal Error                                             b. None of the option

b.       <b> Welcome TO TCS </b>                    d. Welcome To TCS

5.        Output of below script.



<input type=”text” name=”Java” value=”JDK” />

<input type=”text” name=”Version” value=”1.8” />

<button onclick=”display()”> Display </button>

<div id = “content”></div>


    function display() {

    a = document.getElementByTagName(“input”);

document.getElementById(‘content’).innerText = a[0].value+a[1].value;





a.       None of the Option                      b. JDK1.8

b.       JavaVersion                                 d. Internal Error

6.     Which of the following attribute is used to define equal style for element for the same class name ?

a.       class                                     c. id

b.       element                                d. universal

7.     Which one of the following is invalid in html5 ?

a.       datetime                      b. day

b.       month                         d. date

8.      Which of following is the correct syntax for applying table border ?

a.       table , th , td{border=1px solid black;}

b.       table , th , td{border-1px solid black;}

c.       table , th , td{1px solid black;}

d.       table , th , td{border:1px solid black;}

9.      Which of the following is valid margin property value ? 

a.      solid                   c.       auto

b.      dashed                d.      dotted

10.       Which among of following is not css background property ? 

a.      background-attachment               c.        background-repeat    

b.       background-position                   d.      background-render

Some key points : 

1.     All html tags have closing tag ? 

        Ans : False

2.    p{color:green;} <p> Education inTalk</p> -- paragraph printed in which color ?

       Ans : green 

3.    Emphasized text in html : 

       Ans  : <em>

4.    text-align : justify ; -- text will align in which direction ?

       Ans Center


              Multiple Choice Questions on UI - Part 2

11.     Find the value of x -  var x=100 + 5**3  ?

a.      125                   c.       225

b.      115                  d.      NAN

12.     Which of the following is inline element ?

a.      <hr>                c.       <br>

b.      <img>               d.      <a>

13.      Output of code snippet ?

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var a = "Scaler"; var result = a.substring(2, 4); document.write(result); </script>

Ans : al

14.     Output of code snippet ?

 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

var x=12; var y=8; var res=eval("x+y"); document.write(res); </script>
Ans :

15. Output of code Snippet ?

var a = 1; var b = 0; while (a <= 3) { a++; b += a * 2; print(b); }

16. Output of code Snippet ?

var a = Math.max(); var b = Math.min(); print(a); print(b);
Ans : -infinity , infinity

17. Output of code Snippet ?

var a = Math.max() < Math.min(); var b = Math.max() > Math.min(); print(a); print(b);
Ans : true , false

18. Output of code Snippet ?

let sum = 0; const a = [1, 2, 3]; a.forEach(getSum); print(sum); function getSum(ele) { sum += ele; }
Ans :  6

19. Output of code Snippet ?

  1. <script>  
  3. var arr=[4,3,,1];    
  4.   for(i=0;i<4;i++){  
  5. document.writeln(arr[i]);  
  6. }  
  7. </script> 
 Ans : 4 3 undefined 1

20. Output of code Snippet ?

  1. <p id="demo"></p>  
  2. <script>  
  3. functionourFunction()  
  4. {  
  5. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=Math.abs(-7.25);  
  6. }  
  7. </script>
Ans : 25

Thank you !


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