Problem Statement : Create a class Resort and make attributes : int resortID; String resortName; String category; double rating; double price; Write constructor and their getter and setter of all the attributes and make the attributes private . Write a Solution class and a main method inside it. Inside main method , create a method avgPriceOfGivenCategory . in this method you have to pass array object and one String input that will return integer value . we needs to check every object and if any object which has the category matched to string value taken by user and rating should be more than 4 then find then find the average price of the resorts . It returns the average price and print it and if returns 0 and print "No any resort" . Input : 1001 abc resort 4 star 4.5 2000 1002 xyz resort 3 star 4.7 4000 1003 pqr resort 3 star 4.3 6000 1004 efg resort 3 star 4.9 5000 Code : import java . util .*; class Resort { ...
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