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WHAT is Programming Language - ( basic , easy way to learn )

 Hello Friends , Welcome back to our blogging page , Today we are going to learn one of the very important topic i.e PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE of computer . 

Before moving towards programming language , I think it would be great that we will discuss a little bit about language .

What is Language ? 😕

A language is a system of object or symbols , such as sound or character sequence that can be combined into a various ways . It is the way in which humans can express their thaughts , feelings or instructions with  others who able to understand it in the same way .

What is Programming Language ?  😕

Programming Language is a computer understandable language in which we used to write instructions which computer can follow. Basically it is a series of symbols which allows human to translate their thaughts into instruction which computer can understand .

All operations of a computer are controlled by a set of instructions ,called computer program .

What does these instructions ? 😕

It is written to tell the computer about the following things .

  • What operations to perform 
  • Where to locate data 
  • How to present results 
  • When to make certain decision 
Friends , communications between two parties whether they are computers , machines or human being , always need  a language should be understandable from both sides .The computer have also their own language like humans . So any communications with computers must be in their language or we have to convert into their language . 

There are three level of programming language available here.

  1. Machine Languages or  ( Low Level Languages )
  2. Assembly Languages or ( Symbolic )
  3. Procedure Oriented Language or ( High Level Language )

Examples :- C , C++ , Java , Python , C#   etc.

We will discuss about it in our next blog which will be coming soon .



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