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Compiler And Interpreter ( difference between Compiler and Interpreter )

 Compiler And Interpreter :-

Basically compiler and interpreter , both are a types of translator which is used to translate your program written in high level language ( human understandable form ) into low level language ( machine understandable form ) . 

Compiler :- 

Compiler is a type of a computer program which is used translate  high level language into low level language i.e machine language . Compiler takes high level language as input and produces output which is in machine understandable form ( binary 0 and 1 ) .

Some points which we should remember :

  • Compiler is just a program , it is not come in used to fix error found in program .
  • if you have a program written in wrong syntax , it will not compile .

See in the above figure's left side , there is program written in whatever language ( c , c++ , java etc ) which are high level . Now this program has go through with compiler and it has been converted into binary form ( 010101 like this ) . I hope now you have understand clearly all about compiler .

 lets discuss characterstics of compiler 
  1. It generates a intermediate object code .
  2. Compiler used to scan whole program in one at a time . 
  3. before execution of any program , program would be compile first .
  4. Program execution is faster in use but it is difficult as compared to interpreter ( we will see about it below) .
  5.  C , C++, C#  are the programming language  Which uses compiler .
Interpreter :-
Interpreter is a translator ( program ) which is also used to convert the code written in high level language into machine language . But the main points which differs it from compiler is, it translate only single statement of program at a time . It takes first line of our program , translate it and then it takes second line and translate , then third line , forth line and so on ......

Important points which should remember about interpreter :
  1. It is used to translate one line of program one at a time .
  2. It takes very less time to analyse the code but overall time is much higher than compiler .
  3. It does not generate any intermediate code like object code .
  4.  The programming which used interpreter are Python , Ruby .
  5. No generation of any intermediate phase , so it is considered as highly efficient in terms of its memory .
Note :- The main advantage of using compiler is its execution time which is much less than that of interpreter . 
And the main advantage of using interpreter is its translation of line of program . This is because it keeps translating all line one by one , but there are any error spotted , it stops working . hence debugging become easy . 

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