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Classifications of Programing Language - ( in detailed knowledge )

 Hello learners , we have already seen three levels of programming language in our previous blog . in this blog we will extend it in detailed way . so lets start .

There are three level of programming language given below.

  1. Machine Languages or  ( Low Level Languages )
  2. Assembly Languages or ( Symbolic )
  3. Procedure Oriented Language or ( High Level Language )

Machine Language or Low Level Language :-
Machine language is a type of low level language consisting of binary digit ( 0 and 1 ) . Computers are the digital devices , they can only recognised binary data . Even every program , videos , images , characters of text , etc , all are present in the computer as in binary form . 
Computers are made up of electronic devices which can understands only high pulse ( 1) and low pulse (0) conditions . It is the lowest level of software . 
 There are two problems in machine language .
  • It is impossible to understand and remember a large of 0 and 1 's combinations . Like 010011010111100101010101010010111
  • Since every machine have their own machine language so it is almost impossible understand or communicate with other computers . 
Machine level languages are usually referred to as the first generation languages .

Assembly Languages or ( Symbolic ) :- 
Assembly language ( introduced in 1950 ) brought to reduce the complexity of a program written in machine language . It is also referred to a low level language and it is known as the second generation of  programming language .
Advantages of  an assembly language :-
  • In this language , we can locate and identify  syntax error , so it is easy to debug it .
  • The devolopment of an computer application using assembly language is easier in comparison with machine language .
  • It operates efficiently .
Point to be noted :
  1. Binary digit ( 0 and 1) of machine language are replaced with abbreviations of mnemonic code.
  2. During execution this code is converted into machine code with the help of compiler .
High Level Language :-
High level language are the programming language in which one can write their program which are independent to a particular type of computer  . These type of languages are much closer to human understandable language , this is why it is called high level languages .
It is more abstract , easier to use , more portable across the platform as compared to the low level languages .
 Before execution of high level languages , it is traslated to the machine language code with the help of compiler and interpreter .
The main requirement of this high level language is to overcome the limitations of low level language .
examples :- C , C++ ,  FORTRON etc.


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