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 Hello friends , in this blog we will going to learn about output devices of computer . Before moving for output devices , I think we should have a clear idea about output device . so lets begin .

What is an output device ? 😕

An output device is any peice of hardware that recieves data, information and instruction from a system ( system may be computer or anything ) . The data , processed by CPU , is made available to the end user by these devices. It is used to converts information into human readable and understandable form . It can be audio , video , text etc...

There are so many output devices following here in which we discussed few very most commonly used devices .

  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Speaker 
  • Plotter 
  • Headphones 
  • Sound card
  • Video card 
  • GPS etc......

Monitor is the most commonly used output device which provides a visual display by the computer . It also known as screen which is connected to the CPU by an external device like cables . The monitor can be classified into two category . 

  1.  Cathod Ray Tube ( CRT ) monitors
  2. Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD ) monitors
CRT monitors are larger in size and occupy more space in the computer whereas LCD monitors are small , thin ,light weighted . Quality of visual display produced by the CRT is much better than LCD . A monitor can be characterized by it's size and resolution . Resolution can be express as the number of pixels of the screen . It is also be called dot pitch .

Note :- Higher resolution produces a clear and fresh image .


Printer is an output device which is used to display the screen or on the paper sheet used by the end user . There are so many type printer available in market like dot matrix printer , inkjet printer , laser printer etc. Dot matrix printer are commonly comes in used due to it's ease of printing and low economical price .  Inkjet matrix printer provides high quality photoigraphic prints but slowwer than dot matrix printer. 

It is also an external device connected to the computer by using cables.


A computer speaker is an output device that connects to the computer Which provides output in audio form . Basically speaker is a electromachanical transducer that converts the electric signal into sound . The computer speakers are vary according to their price and quality . The sound that comes from the speaker is created by the sound card . ( sound card used in the computer system that decides the quality of audio that you listen using CD or over the internet . 


It is also a commonly output device connected with the computer used to print large documents like engineering drawing . It used multiple inkpens for printing . There are following type of pointer given below .

  • Drum plotter 
  • Flat bed plotter 
  • Inkjet plotter 
  • Electrostatic plotter etc....
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