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 Hello everyone , in this blog we will going to learn about input devices of computer . Before going to learn about input devices , we should have a brief knowledge about input device . lets begin .

What is an input device ? 😕

So friends , input devices are the peice of hardware which is used to send the data and control signal to the computer . OR we can also say , Input devies are peice of hardware which enables the user that they can send data , information and control signal to a system like computer . Many of input devices are connected with the system using cables . 

Although there are a lots of input devices , but in this blog we will see few of them which are most commonly used and important .

Examples of input devices :- Keyboard , Mouse , Scanner , Microphone , joystick , digital camera , light pen etc.....


Keyboard is the one of the very main part and very popular device of computer which helps the computer to take data from user as input . There are two type of keyboard are available for windows and internet . One have size 84 keys and other one 104/108 keys . There are so many keys present in computer which are categorized in several parts -

  • Function keys 
  • Control keys 
  • Arrow keys 
  • Space bar 
  • cursor movement key 
  • Modifier keys
  • Escape key 
  • Alphanumeric key 
  • Some Special Key      etc...........

Ok ,
but what is difference between keyboard in laptop and keyboard in desktop ? 😕

The only main difference is , in computer , keyboard are connected through USB or bluetooth . And in laptop it is internally embeded or set in it . 


Mouse is an input device which allows the user to select elements on the screen like tools , icons and buttons . It can be wireless or wired . It consists of two buttons and a moving ball present in middle of these buttons . It is also known as pointing device . 

Left button --> used to select an element 

Right button --> Display the special options like open , explore , copy , paste , new etc.......

Moving ball --> used to scroll the cursor up and down on the screen

Mouse can be able to use easily than the arrow key of keyboard . It is very less expensive .


A scanner is an input device which is used to convert documents and images in a way , which are understandable by the computer system i.e digitalized file . It is used like a photocopy machine . There are following type of scanner available now :-

  • Flatbed Scanner 
  • Drum Scanner 
  • Slide Scanner 
  • Handheld Scanner 


Microphone is an input device which are used to store sound as input and store it in a digital form . There are lots of place where microphone is comes in use like school program , function , ceremany etc....

Thank you all , 

I hope guys you have enjoyed this blog . Please I strongly reccomended you to follow my instagram page for knowledge in a short way . 


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