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TCS NQT 2024 : for Fresher 2024 batch ( On Campus & Off Campus )

  --------------------- TCS NQT 2024 SYLLABUS ---------------------- Part A  Foundation Section                  a.  Numerical Ability   (  25 min for 20 Question )                b. Verbal Ability           (  25 min for 25 Question )                c. Reasoning Ability    (  25 min for 20 Question ) Part B   Advanced Section                 a. Advanced Numerical Ability   (  20 min for 10 Q )                b. Advanced Reasoning Ability   (  15 min for 10 Q )                c. Advanced Coding                     (  55 min for 2 Q )
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TCS Xplore 2023 Ion Proctored Exam ( IPA) 26 june - JAVA coding solution ( 35 marks )

                Problem Statement :  ---------------------->>>>    Click Here : Subscribe to click   <<<<< -------------------------- Create a class Team  and make attributes : int TeamID; String TeamName; String Location; int TotalRunsByTeam; int numberOfWicketsInTeam; Write  constructor and their getter and setter of all the attributes and make the attributes private . Write a Solution class and a main method inside it. Inside main method , create a method teamWithHighestRuns . In this method you have to pass array object and one String input and one integer value that will return integer value . we needs to check every object and if objects which has the location matched to string value taken by user and  numberOfWicketsInTeam  should be more than integer value then find the team with highest runs for the above mentioned condition .  It returns the sum and if sum is greater than 0 then print it  or if  returns 0 then print "No any resort" . -----

TCS Xplore 2023 - PYTHON MCQ question for best practice ( iON Proctored Assessment )

                             Multiple Choice Question On PYTHON                                              Part - 01   Some Important Points :   -->   Developed by :  Guido van Rossum -->   Extesion : .py  -->   Case Sensitive  : yes  -->   Support : oops  yes  1.  Like the else, the elif statement is optional      a. True                             b. False  2.  Suppose s is “\t\tWorld\n”, what is s.strip() ?      a. World                          b. world       c. WORLD                      d.   \tWorld\n Explanation :  The string strip() method in python is built-in from Python.  It helps the developer to remove the whitespaces or specific characters from the string at the beginning and end of the string . 3.  Function can not have return statement          False 4.  Which method is used to delete an object created by initializing constructor.         Destructor 5.   What gets printed ? nums=set([1,1,2,3,3,3,4])       print(len(nums))      a. 4                       

TCS Xplore 2023 Ion Proctored Exam ( IPA) 9 - JAVA coding solution ( 35 marks )

       Problem Statement : Create a class  Resort  and make attributes : int resortID; String resortName; String category; double rating; double price; Write  constructor and their getter and setter of all the attributes and make the attributes private . Write a Solution class and a main method inside it. Inside main method , create a method avgPriceOfGivenCategory . in this method you have to pass array object and one String input that will return integer value . we needs to check every object and if any object which has the category matched to string value taken by user and rating should be more than 4 then find then find the average price of the resorts .  It returns the average price and print it  and if  returns 0 and print "No any resort" . Input : 1001 abc resort 4 star 4.5 2000 1002 xyz resort 3 star 4.7 4000 1003 pqr resort 3 star 4.3 6000 1004 efg resort 3 star 4.9 5000 Code : import java . util .*; class Resort {     int resortId ;     String resortName ;     S

TCS Xplore 2023 - PL/SQL MCQ question for best practice ( iON Proctored Assessment )

              Multiple Choice Questions on PL/SQL PLSQL - Procedural Language/SQL Advantage :  It offers extensive error checking ,              numerous data types and               a variety of programming structures. Q1.  What is wrong in the following code snippet? DECLARE    x number := 1; BEGIN    LOOP       dbms_output.put_line(x);       x := x + 1;       IF x > 10 THEN          exit;       END IF;      dbms_output.put_line('After Exit x is: ' || x); END; A - There is nothing wrong. B - The IF statement is not required. C - There should be an END LOOP statement. D - The exit statement should be in capital letters. Ans : c Q2.  Consider the following code snippet: how many times the loop will run? DECLARE    a number(2); BEGIN    FOR a in 10 .. 20 LOOP        END LOOP; END; A - 11 B - 10 C - 9 D - Infinite loop Ans : A Q3.  Which of the following is true about PL/SQL package body? A - The package body has the codes for various methods declared in the package specificat

TCS Xplore 2023 - SQL MCQ question for best practice ( iON Proctored Assessment )

                     Multiple Choice Questions on SQL  ---------------------->>>>    Click Here : Subscribe to click   <<<<< --------------------------  SQL --  Structured Query Language Table Create -   create table CREATE   TABLE  STUDENTS (   ID  INT                             NOT   NULL ,   NAME   VARCHAR  (20)  NOT   NULL ,   AGE  INT                           NOT   NULL ,   ADDRESS  CHAR  (25),   PRIMARY   KEY  (ID)   );   Insert Values :   INSERT INTO Students ( ID , NAME , AGE , ADDRESS , SALARY ) VALUES ( 1 , 'Ramesh' , 32 , 'Ahmedabad' , 2000.00 ) ; ---------------------->>>>    Click Here : Subscribe to click   <<<<< -------------------------- Q1.    Which of the following is not a valid SQL type? FLOAT NUMERIC DECIMAL CHARACTER Ans : Decimal Q2.   Which of the following is not a DDL command? TRUNCATE ALTER CREATE UPDATE Ans : d Explanation :    DDL commands are used to define the structure of th