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Showing posts from June, 2023

TCS Xplore 2023 - PYTHON MCQ question for best practice ( iON Proctored Assessment )

                             Multiple Choice Question On PYTHON                                              Part - 01   Some Important Points :   -->   Developed by :  Guido van Rossum -->   Extesion : .py  -->   Case Sensitive  : yes  -->   Support : oops  yes  1.  Like the else, the elif statement is optional      a. True                             b. False  2.  Suppose s is “\t\tWorld\n”, what is s.strip() ?      a. World                          b. world       c. WORLD                      d.   \tWorld\n Explanation :  The string strip() method in python is built-in from Python.  It helps the developer to remove the whitespaces or specific characters from the string at the beginning and end of the string . 3.  Function can not have return statement          False 4.  Which method is used to delete an object created by initializing constructor.         Destructor 5.   What gets printed ? nums=set([1,1,2,3,3,3,4])       print(len(nums))      a. 4