Problem Statement : Video Link : Click Here Create a class AutonomousCar with the below attributes: carld – int brand – String noOfTestsConducted – int noOfTestsPassed- int environment – String grade – String Write getters, setters for the above attributes . Create constructor which takes parameter in the above sequence except grade. Create class Solution with main method. Implement two static methods – findTestPassedByEnv and updateCarGrade in Solution class. findTestPassedByEnv method: This method will take two input parameters -array of AutonomousCar objects and string parameter environment. The method will return the sum of the noOfTestsPassed attribute from autonomousCar objects for the environment passed as parameter. If no autonomousCar with the given environment is present in the array of AutonomousCar objects, then the method should return 0. updateCarGrade method: This method will take a String parameter brand, along with the array of Auton...
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